Located in the Province of Brescia, approximately 2-hours northeast of Milan, Italy, Lucchini Mame Forge is a global leader in the open die forging industry supporting a variety of markets, including oil and gas, power generation, rail, mining, wind power and more. Offerings include the value of full integration of melting, forging, semi-automated heat treatment, turn key machining, and testing all in house. The team at Lucchini Mame is constantly committed to quality, safety, and custom market strategies to maintain a competitive advantage over the other suppliers.

35 ton max
Lengths up to 14 meters
Alloy, carbon, stainless steel, duplex, super-duplex
Supplied As
Forged, heat treated, tested, rough-finished, finish-machined
Galtway Industries is partnered with Lucchini Mame Forge, which is an industry leader in open-die forgings, as well as large castings through Lucchini RS.
- Oil & Gas
- Hydro
- Wind
- Nuclear
- Marine
- Power Gen
- Heavy Industries
- Mining
- Transportation
Through Lucchini Mame Forge’s accuracy and precision through each phase of production and our highly refined systems, we will always meet the tolerances, quality, and supply chain speed you require. Our highly refined systems leave no room for error. You can be sure we will meet your specifications the first time and every time.